Hi My darling,
You're starting school on January 2014. I can't believe it!!!! You're starting school early. But that's because you're so smart. Am such a proud Auntie.
Yesterday your Mom told me that some big boy bit your arm when you were playing in the jumping castle. She had to take you to the hospital. That's how bad it was. I was so mad!
So, I have decided to enroll you in Karate classes. Your Mom thinks am crazy and she had a good laugh about a 2 yr old defending themselves. Well, I don't think it's too early because there are lots of bullies in school and the confidence you will get from martial arts will carry you throughout your whole life. Come August, when I visit, we're enrolling you in something like....karate, jiu jitsu, whatever.
Haaaiya!!!! Ku pow!!!
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